Special Interest Divisions
CEC's divisions individually explore a single facet of special education in thoughtful detail, bringing together professionals to exchange ideas, stimulate research, and promote expertise in key areas of each fast-growing field.
Journals, newsletters, conferences, workshops, and other professional development activities put you in touch and promote focused discussions among specialists. Help facilitate political action on issues that directly affect your own practice and interests. Network to bring you closer with experts and your professional peers.
Take advantage of this special opportunity to increase your knowledge and become more deeply involved in your profession. Join today and participate in as many divisions as interest you!
Are you a member of a CEC Division?
Are you active in your Florida Division? We are looking for CEC members who are or want to be active in their divisions (TED, CASE, DDEL, DADD, TAM, DLD, CCBD, etc.…). Florida CEC Executive Board goal is to create a collaborative network so that our CEC Division work can expand and be shared throughout our state and highlighted at our Florida CEC Annual Conference. If you are interested in organizing, reorganizing, or are already an organized Florida Division, please contact: FCEC President-Elect
Active subdivisions must report officers to their division and state unit each year.
Active Florida CEC Sub-Divisions
Sub-Division Name | Sub-Division President | Sub-Division Past President |
Florida Council of Administrators of Special Education (FLCASE) | Dr. Rosalind Hall ([email protected]) | Kathy Dofka ([email protected]) |
Florida Division on Career Development and Transition (FLDCDT) | Sara Gaines ([email protected]) | Cannon Cameron ([email protected]) |
Florida Teacher Education Division (FLTED) | Dr. Tama Riley | Dr. Ellen Browning (Vice President) |