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Marjorie Crick Teacher of the Year Award

The Marjorie Crick Teach of the Year Award recognizes exemplary teachers/providers of direct services to students with exceptionalities with 5 or more years of experience. We encourage colleagues, staff, students, and parents to nominate a veteran teacher who has at least five years of teaching experience and has impacted a student with a disability in a special way. 

September 15, 2022
Award type:
Presented by:
Dena Slanda

Award Details:

The Marjorie Crick Teach of the Year Award recognizes exemplary teachers/providers of direct services to students with exceptionalities with 5 or more years of experience. We encourage colleagues, staff, students, and parents to nominate a veteran teacher who has at least five years of teaching experience and has impacted a student with a disability in a special way.


If you would like to nominate a special educator for this award, please complete this application no later than September 15th, for the 2022 awards.


Up to three finalists will be selected from the eligible nominees and will be contacted to schedule a virtual interview prior to the FCEC Annual State Conference in October.


Award recipients will be notified prior to the conference. Award Recipients and finalists will be honored at the conference’s Awards Luncheon.

  1. The person you nominate must currently be involved in the provision of direct services to students with exceptionalities. 
  2. The person you nominate must demonstrate exemplary performance over a period of time as a teacher/provider of direct services, exhibiting such qualities as innovation, imagination, creativity, and passion. 
  3. The person you nominate must have more than five years of teaching experience in exceptional education to be eligible.
2020-21 No award presented.
2019-20 No award presented.
2018-19 Dr. Kelly Grillo
2017-18 Cher Harris
2016-17 Sara Klug, #176
2015-16 Bernardina Fernandez
2014-15 Mary Canning, #176
2013-14 Helen Pastore, #296
2012-13 Jody Clement, #176
2011-12 Jana Hill, #176
2010-11 Hannah Ehrli, #155
2009-10 Donald DeVito, #1094
2008-09 Mary Ellen Byrne, #296
2007-08 Gayle Zavala, #200
2006-07 Robert Sinibaldi, #176
2005-06 Evelyn P. Ubiera, #121
2004-05 Diane Weherly, #243
2003-04 Carol Dinsdale, #176
2002-03 Susan Hentz, #296
2001-02 Deborah Wichmanowski, #944
2000-01 Karen Voytecki, #176
1999-00 Brian Rauh, #296
1998-99 Mamie Evans, #176
1997-98 Terry Parker, #243
1996-97 Kim Carlisle, #194
1995-96 Ann Marie Armstrong, #194
1994-95 Brenda Robbins, #311
1993-94 Matty Rodriguez-Walling, #121
1992-93 Barbra Gardner, #176
1991-92 Laura Prenzel, #194
1990-91 Penny Hirsch, #155
1989-90 Martha Fletcher, #311
1988-89 Nancy Sardinas-Lambert, #194
1987-88 Beth Langley, #176
1986-87 Jan Schorr, #260
1985-86 Barbara Bock, #121
1984-85 Peggy Ware, #75
1983-84 Patty Mastin, #1024
1982-83 Irma Sheard, #311
1981-82 Judith Moody, #176
1980-81 Judy Logan, # 176


Last Updated:  25 August, 2022

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